We know that staying at home is what the majority of Australians want, in fact, that’s what 80 % of our over 55s want…….so what’s the big problem???
Most of us think that staying at home means staying in the same house you’ve lived in for years. What it really means for many seniors like my mum is not moving into residential care and losing their independence, and connection with the real world. These are the 3 biggest problems that often stop your elderly loved one from staying at home.
1. They struggle with everyday tasks and problems
2. There is a high risk of physical injury or death
3. There is a high risk of isolation and loneliness
1. They struggle with everyday tasks and problems
Problems might be;
Can’t or won’t open the door for care worker visits
Forgets to lock the door and creates an unsafe situation
Loses their keys and cannot get into the house
Can’t work out how to operate the TV to turn it on or off, change the channel, put a movie on, or change the volume
Can’t make a telephone call because they can’t work out how to use the phone
Often forgets to take their tablets without prompting
2. There is a high risk of physical injury or death
Potential risks might be;
Often leaves food burning on the stove and you don’t know there is a fire threat until you are contacted by the fire department or a neighbour
Forgets to turn on the light in the dark and runs the risk of tripping over
Is unsteady on their feet and can’t be left alone in case they fall with no one to attend to them
Often leaves the water on which floods the house, or creates a slip hazard
Doesn’t think to switch on the air conditioner when the house gets too hot or cold
3. There is a high risk of isolation and loneliness
There is a need for new solutions to old problems....
Would love to see family but a phone call really falls short of a visit, and in some cases is no longer practical
If this sounds all too familiar, then Smart Care is the perfect solution for you
Smart Care uses smart home devices to save you time, money, and stress in supporting your elderly loved one to stay happily at home.
Using Smart Care you can;
check if they have had a fall and check in on their well-being whenever is needed
be alerted when a visitor is at their door, see who it is, and even talk to the visitor, no matter where you are
check room temperatures and be alerted when smoke or water leaks occur
help change the channel on the TV
place a drop-in video call to chat
help unlock a door, even if you are miles away
Over time it is highly likely that elderly care needs will become more complex. Smart Care allows you to keep your finger on the pulse of their care needs without needing to be onsite for every interaction. As their care needs increase over time, you can buffer the impact it has on your busy life. Smart Care gives you options to support your loved ones to stay at home longer.
Supporting your loved ones stay at home
How did it all start?

For the past 3 years, I have been juggling caring for my 85-year-old Mum with full-time work and raising my two children as a single parent. Mum is fiercely independent and lives by herself over an hour's drive away, so I can’t easily pop in to help or visit. She has suffered a rapid decline in her well-being and quickly required a lot more assistance to remain at home.
I needed to find a way to care for her and maintain my own life responsibilities. I needed a smarter way that allowed me to check in quickly and regularly, that wasn’t going to break the bank. I researched and tested technology in my mother’s home to remotely manage and monitor her home.
So now I see Mum in person as well as check-in and help her remotely when I’m at home with my children. I drop in and chat on video, adjust the room temperature when it's too hot or cold, I know when food is burning on the stove to call in help, I also change the channel on the TV or put a movie on to name a few.
Book a FREE Discovery Call to find out how Home and Happy can support the well-being of your loved one by extending living at home.